Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

The process involves signing up for one of Leakserv’s protection plans. You will need to provide Leakserv with the original photos and/or videos that you suspect have been illegally shared. You can send them via email or upload them to your client account. Leakserv ensures the security and protection of your content on their servers.
The images you send to Leakserv are used to find illegal copies on the internet. They are stored securely on Leakserv’s servers and are not shared or distributed.
Removing content through Leakserv’s process does not directly affect your legal case. Leakserv focuses on removing illegally shared content from the internet. If you plan to pursue legal action, Leakserv can gather evidence for you by saving pages as .mht files.
Leakserv preserves evidence by saving pages as .mht files. This allows for documentation and proof of the content being shared illegally.
Leakserv offers three different protection plans: a small plan for $89 per month, a medium plan for $169 per month, and a large plan for $289 per month. The cost varies based on the level of work required and the number of photos/videos Leakserv needs to search for.
The length of the process varies depending on the specific case. Some websites may remove content within hours, while others may take days or weeks. The involvement of hosting providers and the legal framework of the hosting country can also impact the timeline.
Different cases can take longer due to various factors. Some websites may be more resistant to removing content, especially if they are hosted in countries with less strict copyright laws. Involvement of hosting providers and legal processes can also contribute to longer timelines.
We mention an average removal rate of about 92%. However, the actual removal success rate can vary between clients and depends on several factors such as the nature of the content and the response of the infringing parties.
Leakserv employs a combination of human and machine work. Trained specialists manually search for illegal photos and videos on forums, websites, and Google. Automated machines check a database of known forums and websites that are known for sharing revenge porn and illegal content. Reverse image searching technology and facial recognition are also utilized to find copies of the client’s content.
Leakserv primarily relies on the original photos and videos you provide to locate the illegal copies. While having the exact image is helpful, they also employ reverse image searching technology and facial recognition to find copies even if you don’t have the exact image. If you believe you are a victim but don’t possess the image, Leakserv may still be able to assist you based on the information you provide.

Revenge Porn Questions

Revenge porn refers to the non-consensual sharing or distribution of intimate or explicit images or videos of a person without their consent, often with the intent to humiliate, shame, or seek revenge.

If intimate or explicit images or videos of you or someone you know have been shared without consent, causing harm or distress, it is likely that you or they are a victim of revenge porn. Seek support and consider legal action.

Being targeted by revenge porn can occur due to various reasons, such as a vengeful ex-partner seeking to harm you, an online predator exploiting vulnerabilities, or a breach of privacy through hacking or sharing intimate content without consent.

To protect yourself against revenge porn, be cautious about sharing intimate content, maintain strong privacy settings on social media, regularly monitor your online presence, consider watermarking your images, and educate yourself about laws and resources related to revenge porn in your jurisdiction.

While it’s impossible to guarantee absolute prevention, some measures to reduce the risk include being cautious about sharing intimate content, trusting your partner’s intentions, and considering legal options like non-disclosure agreements or explicit consent agreements.

Yes, you can and should contact the websites that are illegally distributing revenge porn of yourself. Many websites have mechanisms in place to report and remove such content. Provide them with evidence and information about the situation to support your request for removal.

The exact prevalence of revenge porn is challenging to determine due to underreporting, but studies suggest that a significant percentage of individuals, ranging from 5% to 25%, have experienced revenge porn or non-consensual sharing of intimate content.

Good steps to take against revenge porn include documenting evidence, reporting the incident to law enforcement, contacting websites hosting the content, seeking legal advice, and accessing support from helplines or organizations specializing in revenge porn cases such as Leakserv.

Sextortion Questions

Sextortion is a form of blackmail where someone coerces or manipulates another person into providing sexual images, videos, or favors, threatening to expose or distribute the material if their demands are not met.

Financial sextortion is a type of online blackmail where the perpetrator threatens to reveal explicit content or personal information unless the victim pays a sum of money. It exploits the fear of reputational or financial harm.

To protect yourself from sextortion, ensure strong privacy settings on social media, be cautious when sharing explicit content, educate loved ones about the risks, avoid engaging with suspicious individuals online, and report any incidents to the authorities.

To stop a sextortion poster, gather evidence, report the incident to the authorities, contact the platform hosting the content to request its removal, seek legal advice, and consider involving cybersecurity professionals such as Leakserv to assist with the situation.

A victim of sextortion may experience emotional distress and face potential harm to their reputation, but it is important to remember that they are not at fault. Seeking support, reporting the incident, and taking legal action can help mitigate the impact.

Yes, sextortion is generally considered illegal in many jurisdictions. It involves elements of blackmail, extortion, harassment, and sometimes child exploitation, which are criminal offenses carrying potential legal consequences for perpetrators.

An example of sextortion would be when an individual threatens to share explicit photos or videos of someone unless they pay a ransom or engage in further sexual acts against their will.

If you’re a victim of sextortion, it’s crucial to avoid giving in to demands. Preserve evidence, cease communication, report the incident to law enforcement, seek support from trusted individuals, and consider involving legal professionals such as Leakserv to guide you through the process.

To get out of sextortion, cease communication with the perpetrator, collect evidence, report the incident to law enforcement, seek support from trusted individuals or helplines, and consult with legal professionals for guidance and protection.

Ignoring sextortion is not recommended. It’s important to take the situation seriously, gather evidence, and report it to the appropriate authorities. Seeking support and legal advice can help protect yourself and prevent further harm.

Sexting Questions

Sexting refers to the act of sending or receiving sexually explicit messages, photos, or videos through electronic means, typically via mobile devices or the internet. It often involves consensual exchanges between individuals, but can carry risks if shared without consent or privacy is compromised.

If you are a victim of non-consensual sexting or revenge porn, it is important to take immediate action. Document evidence, report to law enforcement, inform trusted individuals, seek legal assistance, and consider counseling or support services (such as Leakserv) to navigate the emotional impact.

Sexting can impact individuals of any age or gender, but adolescents and young adults are particularly vulnerable due to peer pressure, lack of experience, and potential long-term consequences, such as reputational damage or legal issues.

The long-term effects of sexting can include psychological distress, anxiety, depression, reputation damage, and potential legal consequences, such as criminal charges or being placed on sex offender registries, depending on the circumstances and jurisdiction.

While individual experiences vary, sexting can potentially lead to emotional trauma, especially if it involves non-consensual sharing or if the content is used for harassment, bullying, or coercion, causing significant distress and lasting psychological impact.

The dangers of sexting include the potential for non-consensual sharing, privacy breaches, sextortion, reputational damage, emotional distress, legal consequences, and exploitation, highlighting the importance of informed consent and responsible digital behavior.

Sexting itself is not inherently abusive, as it can involve consensual exchanges between adults. However, non-consensual sexting, sexting involving minors, or using sexts for coercion, harassment, or control can be forms of abuse.

Online Shaming Questions

Online shaming refers to the act of publicly condemning or humiliating someone online, often through social media platforms, by sharing personal information, images, or videos with the intention of causing embarrassment, damage to reputation, or social consequences.

Online shaming can have severe psychological, emotional, and social impacts on individuals, including humiliation, anxiety, depression, and even self-harm. It can also lead to reputational damage, loss of employment or opportunities, and isolation from social circles.

Stopping online shaming requires a collective effort. Measures include promoting digital empathy and responsible online behavior, educating individuals on the consequences of online actions, enforcing strict anti-harassment policies on platforms, and encouraging bystander intervention to discourage and report instances of online shaming.

Online shaming is harmful as it can cause emotional distress, damage reputations, and lead to social isolation. It can have long-lasting psychological effects on individuals and perpetuate a culture of cyberbullying, harassment, and public humiliation in online spaces.

An example of online shaming is when a person’s private photos are maliciously shared online without their consent, leading to widespread humiliation, cyberbullying, and the potential for significant emotional and psychological harm.

Deepfakes Questions

Deepfakes are AI-generated videos that swap or modify faces, creating realistic but fake content. They employ advanced algorithms to seamlessly deceive viewers, posing risks like misinformation and fraud.

The legality of deepfakes varies by jurisdiction. In many places, deepfakes can be illegal if they are used for malicious purposes, such as defamation, fraud, or non-consensual pornography. However, laws regarding deepfakes are still evolving, and their legality can depend on the specific circumstances and local legislation.

Deepfakes use artificial intelligence algorithms, like deep learning and neural networks, to manipulate or synthesize media. By analyzing and altering facial features, they can replace or superimpose faces in videos, creating convincing but fake content.

Yes, it is possible to sue someone for making deepfakes of you, especially if it leads to harm, such as defamation, emotional distress, or invasion of privacy. Lawsuits can be pursued depending on the jurisdiction and applicable laws.

Spotting a deepfake can be challenging, but there are a few signs to look for: unnatural facial movements, inconsistent lighting or shadows, blurriness or distortion around the face, and discrepancies in lip-syncing or speech. However, deepfake technology is constantly improving, making detection more difficult.